여행2013. 10. 7. 09:38

일단 사진만 올려봄


































































































모조리 RX100.

여행용으로 참 훌륭한 똑딱이임

근데..... 11월 유럽여행을 앞두고 괜히 RX1 앓이중. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Posted by 모처럼
328i2013. 9. 30. 10:09

미국에선 리콜 공지가 떴음.




대략 살펴보자면


2012-14년 N20/N26 engine.
power brake assist loss



흡기 캠샤프트를 통한 진공펌프로의 오일 공급이 제한되어서 윤활이 잘 되지않아서 브레이크 어시스트가 제한되는게 원인.

이미 팔린 차들의 repair solution은 현재 개발중이고 11월에 편지 보낼거니까 푸시하지말아주셈.
12월중 작업할 수 있을거임.


해당 모델:

2012-14 320i/328i, 320i/328i xDrive Sedan manufactured between May 2012 – August 2013
2014 328i xDrive Sports Wagon manufactured between March 2013 – May 2013
2012-13 528i, 528i xDrive Sedan manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013
2013-14 X1 sDrive28i, X1 xDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013
2013-14 X3 xDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – August 2013
2012-14 Z4 sDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013

리스트에 없는건 디잔이 달라서 괜찮은거임

미국에서만 대략 76190대가 해당된다고....


(나에겐) 제일 중요한 대목: 계속 운행해도 되는가.

bmw 말로는 - 현재로서 안전하고, 12월에 service letter를 받으면 리콜 작업을 받으세요.
브레이킹 파워가 감소하는걸 느끼면 차를 길가에 세우고 BMW 로드사이드 어시스턴스를 통해 가까운 딜러로 차를 견인하세요.

뭐 15000km를 운행하는동안 저런 일이 발생하지 않았으니 괜찮지않을까 싶긴하지만
본문의 내용은 조금 무책임한듯 싶다.

매일아침 시동을 걸때 괜찮을거라고 주문이라도 외야하나.



유압이 없는 상태에서 브레이킹하려면
-양발로 힘껏 밟는다 : 그래봤자...
-사이드브레이크를 당긴다 : stability에 유의, 눈오면 똥망.
-엔진브레이크..... : 토크컨버터라 별로 강하진 않음.

정도 옵션이 있을듯.


무사하기만을 빌면서 얌전히 다녀야지 뭐.




아래는 비머포스트의 원문 발췌.



September 27, 2013
 Technical Service
 October 11, 2013
 DCSnet Message


Delivery Stop N20 N26 Vacuum Pump Oil Supply

 Message Recipients: General Managers, Sales Managers, Service Managers, Service and Parts Directors, Parts Managers, Service Advisors, Shop Foremen

 On September 26th, BMW of North America, LLC announced to NHTSA its intention to conduct a voluntary Recall on certain 2012-2014 model year BMW 3 Series, 5 Series, X1, X3 and Z4 models equipped with the N20 or N26 engine, produced from May 2012 to August 2013.

 Affected vehicles in center inventory must not be retailed or delivered until the Recall repair has been performed. Refer to the file “N20 N26 Delivery Stop.pdf” for vehicles which must be held. Vehicles at BMW vehicle delivery centers will be corrected before shipment to your center.

 The oil supply via the intake camshaft to the vacuum pump could become restricted. If this were to occur, the vacuum pump could fail due to lack of lubrication, resulting in a loss of power brake assist.

 A repair solution for vehicles already retailed is under development and not available at this time. Customers will initially be informed of the Recall in November by letter; and again when parts become available. Please do not contact the Parts Technical Group (PTG) requesting parts. The repair letter will be sent when the dealership has the necessary parts, tools and procedures to preform the repair.

 The solution involves inserting a locking ring onto the camshaft so the oil supply to the brake assist vacuum pump is not impaired. The repair will take approximately two hours but can vary depending on your BMW dealers schedule. The repair will be preformed free of charge.

Affected Models
 2012-14 320i/328i, 320i/328i xDrive Sedan manufactured between May 2012 – August 2013
 2014 328i xDrive Sports Wagon manufactured between March 2013 – May 2013
 2012-13 528i, 528i xDrive Sedan manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013
 2013-14 X1 sDrive28i, X1 xDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013
 2013-14 X3 xDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – August 2013
 2012-14 Z4 sDrive28i manufactured between June 2012 – June 2013
 Models not list are not affected due to different lubrication and vacuum pump designs.

 Number of vehicles affected in the US
 Up to 76,190 BMWs are affected by this safety issue. The model break down is as follows -
 2012-14 320i/328i, 320i/328i xDrive Sedan - 37,473 potentially affected
 2014 328i xDrive Sports Wagon - 176 potentially affected
 2012-13 528i, 528i xDrive Sedan - 12,708 potentially affected
 2013-14 X1 sDrive28i, X1 xDrive28i - 10,547 potentially affected
 2013-14 X3 xDrive28i - 14,517 potentially affected
 2012-14 Z4 sDrive28i - 770 potentially affected

Known accidents
 BMW is aware of three minor accidents with no confirmed injuries as a result of this problem. The NTSB has 7 reported incidents but that does not mean they have 7 accident reports. Vehicles affected have experienced the failure at low millage. It is not clear if having a higher mileage car means you will not have the failure.

Should you continue to drive your N20/N26 powered BMW
 BMW says it is safe to continue to drive your vehicle for now. As soon as you get the service letter that will be coming in December you should have the recall work performed. If you feel a loss of braking power pull to the side of the road and have your BMW towed to the nearest dealer by BMW Roadside Assistance.

Posted by 모처럼
328i2013. 9. 17. 23:46

미국에서 f30 3시리즈의 브레이크가 잘 듣지 않는 문제가 비머포스트 같은 포럼에 올라오고 있고,


사태가 커졌는지 미 도로교통안전국에서도 조사중이라 함.



증상은, 브레이크 페달이 바위같이 딱딱해지고 브레이킹이 안된다고...





올해 생산분 328i에서 보고되고 있고, 대략 진공펌프가 작동하지 않아서 유압이 발생하지 않는게 문제라고 함.









비머포스트를 보면 13년 2월 뮌헨 생산분 328i 으로 한정되는 것 같음. 내 차는 뮌헨 3월생산분 328i인데 ㄷㄷㄷ




진공펌프의 고장이 아니고 캠샤프트 (조립?) 문제 인듯. 펌프는 갈아봤자 해결이 안됨.




미국은 도로교통안전국까지 올라간 것으로 보아 곧 리콜하지 않을까 싶음.




근데 한국은..... 음.... 게다가 몇대 팔리지도 않은 328i...... 난 어떡하나 -_- ㄷㄷㄷ











아래는 클량 최초 작성자님의 원문 링크입니다.


Posted by 모처럼